This contact form is for inquiries only - an attorney/client relationship is not created by submission.

Submit your inquiry to find out if we are a good fit for your Austin business law needs, or you may call our Austin office at (512) 505-2314. Prospective client consultations are conducted on the phone or virtually.

Please note that a signed engagement agreement and retainer deposit is required prior to the provision of any legal services or advice. We do not review documentation, take any action on your behalf, or provide answers to legal questions unless you are formally retained as a client.


This website advertises professional legal services and is not intended to provide legal advice or provide advice on how you should choose to resolve a specific problem or dispute; we will not have an attorney-client relationship, and will not take any action on your behalf until we have established a contractual relationship through a signed attorney engagement agreement. Every matter is unique, results cannot be guaranteed, and past performance does not predict future outcomes.